Tuesday, March 06, 2007

International Young Music Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2007

The British Council has launched the International Young Music Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2007.

A financial award (£7,500), will be linked to the UK and tailored to the winner’s specific needs.

Ideas include for him/her to take a course in the UK, fund a placement in UK industry, bring over UK specialists to run workshops in-country, buy rights, or work on collaborative projects with contacts from their visit to the UK.

In June 2007 the finalists will visit the UK for a 10-12 day exploration of the national music industry. This programme will take them to London and Manchester to meet leaders of the music sector.

The tour will comprise visits, meetings, seminars and live concerts and events.

Last date for submission for entries is 15 Mar 2007.

For further information you can contact Rwituja Mookherjee at rwituja.mookherjee@in.britishcouncil.org


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